Luckily I managed to pick up one bit of bling for the bike that I could fit today which should improve the performance of the bike no end. A blue anodised tax disc holder ;-)
The original one is
- Very plain
- Very easy for someone to pinch the tax disc out of as only a rubber gasket stands between the disc and freedom.

The new one has a blue anodised faceplate, a carbon fibre look-a-like backplate, and allen key headed screws with nylock nuts on the back which should prevent the casual tea-leaf from getting the tax disc out.

The small flaw in the plan currently is that the whole thing is attached to the bike with a standard phillips head screw but I'm sure I can find something an Allen headed version to replace it with.
Next weekend hopefully the rest of the bits should turn up so I can get the bike back on the road.
The other purchase at the show was a scottoiler (Dave and I picked up a brace of them as the price was too good to pass up). This will be slotted in another weekend and then the bike is almost done, apart from the Pazzo's which I'm ordering this afternoon :)
bah position is not so good. Under front mudguard will lead to water ingress and not so shinny finish < 1 year. I have the same part in carbon-alike finish on my blade.. clue:: Read pillion pegs!